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Care Compassion Concern Cooperation Courage Courtesy Determination Diligence Friendship Goodwill Gratitude Honesty Honor Humility Leadership Love Loyalty Peace Perseverance Patience Pride Prudence Purpose Respect Responsibility Resolution Service Tolerance Truth Trust Thriftiness Will Wisdom
Fall Festival Lost and Found Mrs. Baker’s Apples
Care (noun)
- a heavy sense of responsibility
- serious attention <take care in crossing streets>
- protection, supervision <he is under a doctor’s care>
- an object of one’s care
Care (verb)
- to feel interest or concern <we care what happens>
- to give care <care for the sick>
- to have a liking or a desire <would you care for some pie?>
Acorn Magic Home Sweet Home Honey Land Win or Lose
Compassion (noun)
- sorrow or pity caused by the suffering or misfortune of another: SYMPATHY
Best Friends Billy the Kid Home Sweet Home The Guardian Twilight Flight
Concern (noun)
- something that concerns one : AFFAIR <the concerns of the day>
- a state of interest and uncertainty: ANXIETY <deep concern for their friend’s health> <public concern over pollution>
- a business or manufacturing establishment <a banking concern>
Concern (verb)
- to relate to: be about <the novel concerns three soldiers>
- to be the business or affair of <the problem concerns us all>
- to make worried or disturbed <our mother’s illness concerns us>
- involve, engage <concerned himself in the matter>
Blue Ribbons Fireflies The Striped Cat Whale Tales
Cooperation (noun)
- the act or process of cooperating
Bed of Gold Hide and Seek Leap of Faith The Frog King The Striped Cat Win or Lose
Courage (noun)
- strength of mind to carry on in spite of danger or difficulty: Bravery, Valor, Heroism
Fall Festival Holiday Party Welcome to Breakers Island
Courtesy (noun)
- courtly politeness
- a favor courteously performed
Fireflies Home Sweet Home Leap of Faith Mrs. Baker’s Apples Snow Birds
Determination (noun)
- the act of coming to a decision; also : the decision or conclusion reached
- a settling or making sure of the position, size, or nature of something <determination of the position of a ship>
- accurate measurement (as of length or volume)
- firm or fixed intention: Firmness
Home Sweet Home Snow Birds The Princess
Diligence (noun)
- careful and continued work: Industry
Billy the Kid The Striped Cat Win or Lose
Friendship (noun)
Holiday Party Honey Land The Council of Animals The Seafood Festival
Goodwill (noun)
- kindly feeling: Benevolence
- the value of the trade a business has built up
- a: cheerful consent b: willing effort
Barn Gossip Bed of Gold Blue Ribbons Mrs. Baker’s Apples
Gratitude (noun)
- the state of being grateful
Acorn Magic Barn Gossip Bed of Gold
Honesty (noun)
- the quality or state of being honest
Blue Ribbons Fall Festival Freedom The Council of Animals The Seafood Festival Whale Tales
Honor (noun)
- a : a good name or public admiration: REPUTATION b : a showing of respect: RECOGNITION <a dinner in honor of a new coach>
- PRIVILEGE <whom have I the honor of addressing>
- a capitalized — used especially as a title for an official of high rank (as a judge) <if your Honor please> b: one whose worth brings respect or fame: CREDIT <an honor to your profession>
- a: evidence or a symbol of great respect (as a title or medal) b: plural: special credit or recognition given to graduating students for high achievement; also: a course of study for advanced students that is in place of or in addition to regular courses
- a: CHASTITY, PURITY b: high moral standards of behavior: INTEGRITY <a person of honor>
plural: courteous actions of a host or hostess <did the honors at the table>
The Council of Animals The Frog King
Humility (noun)
Best Friends Holiday Party Home Sweet Home Honey Land Twilight Flight
Leadership (noun)
- Definition of leader – something that leads: as a: a short line for attaching the end of a fishing line to a lure or hook b: a pipe for conducting fluid
- a person that leads: as a: GUIDE b: COMMANDER c: CONDUCTOR d: a person in charge or in control: BOSS, CHIEF
Billy the Kid Fall Festival Holiday Party Lost and Found The Frog King
Love (noun)
- a quality or feeling of strong or constant affection for and dedication to another <motherly love>
- a: attraction based on sexual desire : the strong affection and tenderness felt by lovers b: a beloved person: DARLING
- a: warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion <love of the sea> b: the object of attachment or devotion
Love (verb)
- a: to hold dear: CHERISH
- to feel a lover’s passion, devotion, or tenderness for b: to touch or stroke lightly
- to like or desire actively : take pleasure in <loved to play the violin>
- to grow well in <the rose loves sunlight>
Billy the Kid Fall Festival Lost and Found Win or Lose
Loyalty (noun)
- the quality or state of being loyal
- Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
- synonym see FAITHFUL
- – loy·al·ly adverb
Holiday Party Honey Land The Council of Animals
Peace (noun)
- a state of quiet; especially: freedom from public disturbance or war
- freedom from upsetting thoughts or feelings
harmony in personal relations
Home Sweet Home Leap of Faith Snow Birds
Perseverance (noun)
- the action, state, or an instance of persevering
Dead or Alive Hide and Seek Lost and Found
Patience (noun)
- the quality or state of being patient
Blue Ribbons Fall Festival Leap of Faith The Island Messenger The Seafood Festival
Pride (noun)
- too high an opinion of one’s own ability or worth: a feeling of being better than others
- a reasonable and justifiable sense of one’s own worth: SELF-RESPECT
- a sense of pleasure that comes from some act or possession
- something of which one is proud <our pride and joy>
Pride (verb)
- to think highly of (oneself)
- Inflected Form(s): prid·ed; prid·ing
Prudence (noun)
- the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason
Dead or Alive The Island Messenger The Princess
Purpose (noun)
- something set up as an end to be attained
- an object or result achieved <worked to little purpose>
- synonym see INTENTION
– pur·pose·ful adjective
– pur·pose·ful·ly adverb
– pur·pose·ful·ness noun
– pur·pose·less adjective
– on purpose : by intention
Freedom Hide and Seek The Island Messenger Whale Tales
Respect (noun)
- relation to or concern with something specified: REFERENCE <with respect to your last letter>
- a: high or special regard: ESTEEM b plural : expressions of regard or courtesy <pay my respects to your family>
- DETAIL <perfect in all respects>
- re·spect·er noun
Respect (verb)
- to consider worthy of high regard: ESTEEM
- to avoid interfering with <respected their wishes>
Responsibility (noun)
- the quality or state of being responsible
- the quality of being dependable
- something for which one is responsible <neglected his responsibilities>
- Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
Best Friends Leap of Faith Snow Birds The Council of Animals The Guardian
Resolution (noun)
- a: the act or process of changing to simpler form b: the act of answering <the resolution of a problem> c: the act of determining
- a: the process or capability of distinguishing (as parts of an object or sources of light) b: a measure of the sharpness of an image or of the sharpness with which a device can produce or record an image <a printer with a resolution of 1200 dots per inch>
- a: something that is resolved <New Year resolutions> b: DETERMINATION
- a formal statement of the feelings, wishes, or decision of a group
- the point in a work of literature at which the main conflict is worked out
The Council of Animals The Guardian The Island Messenger
Service (noun)
- a: the occupation or function of serving <in active service> b: employment as a servant <entered the queen’s service>
- a: the work or action performed by one that serves <gives good service> b: HELP, use, benefit <be of service to them> c: availability for use <I’ll place a car at your service>
- a religious ceremony or rite <the burial service>
- a: the act of serving b: a helpful act : good turn <did us a service> c: useful labor that does not produce goods — usually used in plural <charge for professional services> d: SERVE
- a set of articles for a particular use <a tea service>
- a: a branch of public employment or the people working in it <the consular service> b: a nation’s armed forces <called into the service>
- an organization for supplying some public demand or keeping up and repairing something <bus service> <television sales and service>
Service (verb)
- to work at taking care of and repairing <service cars>
Holiday Party The Striped Cat Twilight Flight
Tolerance (noun)
- a: ability to put up with something harmful or unpleasant b: the ability to adjust to a food or drug so that its effects are experienced less strongly
- sympathy for or acceptance of feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from one’s own
Acorn Magic Barn Gossip Bed of Gold Dead or Alive Paw Prints The Council of Animals Welcome to Breakers Island Whale Tales
Truth (noun)
- the quality or state of being true
- a true or accepted statement
- the body of real events or facts
- agreement with fact or reality
– in truth : in fact: ACTUALLY, REALLY - Inflected Form(s): plural truths
Fireflies Leap of Faith The Guardian
Trust (noun)
- a: firm belief in the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something b: a person or thing in which confidence is placed
- a: confident hope b: financial credit <bought furniture on trust>
- a: property held or managed by one person or organization (as a bank) for the benefit of another b: a combination of firms or corporations formed by a legal agreement; especially : one that reduces or threatens to reduce competition
- a: something (as a public office) held or managed by someone for the benefit of another b: responsibility for safety and well-being
Trust (verb)
- a: to place confidence: DEPEND <trust in God> <trust to luck> b: to be confident: HOPE
- to place in one’s care or keeping: ENTRUST <trusted him with my car>
- a : to rely on the truth of: BELIEVE <never trust a rumor> b : to place confidence in : rely on <a friend you can trust> c : to hope or expect with confidence <trusts that a solution will be found soon>
- to give financial credit to
Home Sweet Home Mrs. Baker’s Apples
Thriftiness (noun)
Fireflies Home Sweet Home Mrs. Baker’s Apples Snow Birds
Will (noun)
- firm desire or determination <the will to win>
- the desire or choice especially of someone in power or authority <the king’s will>
- the process or power of wishing, choosing, desiring, or intending
- the power of control over one’s own actions or emotions <has an iron will>
- a legal document that instructs how a person’s property is to be divided after death
Will (verb)
- WISH <call it what you will>
- used as a helping verb to express (1) desire, willingness, or in negative sentences refusal <will you have another> <no one would do it> <they won’t stop>, (2) regular or usual action <will get angry over nothing>, (3) future action <tomorrow we will go shopping>, (4) capacity or ability <the back seat will hold three people>, (5) determination or willfulness <I will go despite the weather>, (6) inevitability <accidents will happen>, or (7) a command <you will do as I say>
Acorn Magic Barn Gossip Dead or Alive Freedom Hide and Seek Home Sweet Home Honey Land Leap of Faith Paw Prints The Frog King Whale Tales
Wisdom (noun)
- a: learning acquired over a period of time: KNOWLEDGE b: ability to see beneath the surface of things: INSIGHT c: good sense: JUDGMENT
- a wise attitude, belief, or course of action
Source: Word Central, Merriam-Webster