Activities Coloring Pages Word Puzzles Word Treasures Return to the Story

Read by Anita Rodgers
One day, Walter Morton heard a story about a small island in the Sugar Sea. He wondered, Can the legend be true? He set out to find Breakers Island.
He found passage on a cargo boat. It was a long trip over high seas. He was tired when the boat came into Breakers Island Bay. He saw the lighthouse and the village of Red Haven.
Mr. Morton thought, “This shouldn’t take too long. I’ll take a quick look around the island and be on my way.”
From the dock, he walked to Sue’s Supply Store. She was the first person he met.
He said, “I’m Walter Morton. I’m only here for a short visit.”
“Welcome to Breakers Island, Mr. Morton. I think you will like it here,” said Sue.
He asked, “Can you help me? I need to find a place to stay.”
“Yes, there’s a small inn. I’ll show you the way,” said Sue.
Mr. Morton had lived many places in his life. He saw that Breakers Island was very different. It had a strange beauty. It seemed that all of nature was at peace here.
He had been an editor at a large city newspaper. Now, it was time for him to retire.
After one week, he wanted to stay longer. The people were surprised when he made no plans to leave and adopted a happy dog he named, Biltmore.
The people learned that Mr. Morton was a writer and liked to hear stories. He wanted to know all about his new home. Mr. Morton had a pad and pencil with him at all times. He liked talking with the people. He would ask, “What’s new with you? Do you have a good story for me today?”
He thought, “There are so many stories to tell. Breakers Island needs a newspaper and I’m the right man for the job.” He opened a small printing shop in the village of Red Haven. He made his home on the second floor. Mr. Morton hung a sign on his building. It read, “The Island Messenger.”
He was going to print newspapers twice a year. Two things changed his mind. First, he found there was far more news to report. Second, the people liked his work and asked for more. Now, he was printing once a month. As soon as they were printed, he placed the newspapers in Sue’s Supply Store.
He liked to write stories about everyday life. He watched the fishermen and farmers at work. He spent hours walking through the meadows, woods, and mountains with Biltmore by his side.
His note pad was always filled with news and stories about people and animals. Mr. Morton made friends easily. He was well-liked by everyone. People would stop by to visit and share a story with him.
The Island Messenger captured some of the magic and wonder of Breakers Island. Everyone looked forward to getting their next copy.
The newspaper was a labor of love for the old editor. Writing about Breakers Island made him feel young again. His writing had never been better. The editor read all his stories to Biltmore. He was a very good listener.
Mr. Morton would write headlines that caught everyone’s attention. He thought, “Who would ever believe there was so much news on this small island.”
He sat at his desk and read the story headlines:
- Award-Winning Farm Plans Barn Expansion
- Ducks Migrate to Mallard Pond – Ducklings Enjoy Showering in the Waterfall
- Fireflies Save Boy’s Life in Secret Spring Meadow
- New Lodges Under Construction at Beaver Pond
- Squirrel Problem Under Control in Mrs. Baker’s Apple Orchard
- Animal Adoptions at Sue’s Supply Store
- Boat Saved from Storm – Sailors Thank the Guardian
It was dark when he finally put the newspaper to bed. He thought, “Breakers Island is a magical place with great stories!”
The summer night was warm. Mr. Morton went on his evening walk down to the bay with Biltmore. They walked by the docks and fishing boats. He smelled the salt air.
The moon cast a soft light on the waves that washed up on the sand beach.
Mr. Morton watched a shooting star fall to earth. Its bright light streaked across the night sky. He closed his eyes and made a wish.
Activities Coloring Pages Word Puzzles Word Treasures Return to the Story
Who would ever believe there was so much news on this small island.