Activities Coloring Pages Word Puzzles Word Treasures Return to the Story
Animal/Character Names:
- Animals: Sammy the squirrel
- People: Mrs. Baker
- Doesn’t, Don’t, Wasn’t
Expressions ~ Idioms ~ Sayings:
- Blue Ribbon, Learned his lesson
Natural Science: Animal Group Names
- Squirrel
Male – Buck
Female – Doe
Baby – Kit, Kitten, Nestling, Pup
Group – Dray, Scurry, Colony
Sight Words:
- Pre-primer
a, and, big, blue, come, down, find, for, go, I, in, is, it, look, make, my, not, one, red, see, the, three, to, two, up, where, you - Primer
all, at, ate, be, but, came, did, eat, four, good, have, he, like, must, no, now, on, out, ran, saw, she, so, that, there, they, this, too, want, was, went, what, who, will, with - First Grade
after, again, an, any, as, ask, could, every, from, going, had, has, her, him, his, know, of, once, put, stop, them, then, walk, were, when - Second Grade
been, before, best, call, don’t, fast, first, five, right, tell, their, these, very, why, would - Third Grade
fall, got, if, never, only, own, pick, small - Nouns
apple, back, cake, day, ground, head, home, house, squirrel, table, tree, watch, way, window, wood
Mrs. Baker was a great cook. Her apple pies won first place ribbons every year at the fall festival.
Activities Coloring Pages Word Puzzles Word Treasures Return to the Story
I won’t have any apples left to make my pies. What a bad squirrel!